Photo by Kat Stokes on Unsplash
There’s nothing like a regular meeting time and space to keep your writing commitments honest. Our Write Now! groups offer the support you need to show up and work each week.
Write Now! is FREE for students and newsletter subscribers
Upcoming Write Now! Sessions
Spring 2023: Tuesday, May 9 - Thursday, June 15, 2023
Tuesdays 10:00 AM - Noon EST
Thursdays 10:30 PM - 12:30 PM EST
**There are no Write Now! sessions the week of May 29, 2023.
What To Expect
As writers we so often find ourselves writing alone … feeling alone. With Write Now! you will get to know other writers, and write side by side, even if you are a continent apart.
It’s easy to get distracted when you’re trying to find time to write. Laundry calls, Facebook woos and Netflix streams. Write Now! provides a regular, structured writing period up to four times a week: two mornings, one afternoon, and one evening. This is your time to sit and write!
Community + structure = accountability.
There’s nothing like a regular meeting time and space to keep your writing commitments honest. Our Write Now! groups offer the support you need to show up and work each week.
This Program Is For You If
You’ve been struggling to make progress on your writing
You’ve been struggling to carve out time for your writing
You’re seeking a warm, supportive writing community
You can’t seem to reach your writing goals
You’re a published or unpublished committed writer
You’ve lost momentum on a manuscript
You’ve lost momentum on revisions
You have a deadline you’re struggling to meet
Write Now! uses Zoom technology. You must download Zoom, and you are responsible for your own connection.
“Write Now! keeps my head in the novel when everything else in life pulls me out. I love the consistency. I always get something done.”
“Since starting Write Now! I’ve become more disciplined in my writing time on my novel. I love the scheduled accountability and getting down to work with no distractions. ”